Setting the Goals

Clearly defining the goals of any program or initiative is an important first step. With multiple stakeholders representing various sectors of the community and having diverse perspectives, it is possible for ambiguity and incorrect assumptions to hinder progress. A clear statement of specific goals will serve to remove ambiguity and keep all actors focused on achieving the same objectives. The process of goal-setting is also very important. It requires all actors to share their perspectives and expectations with one another. This exchange of ideas can help the group to achieve a more holistic view of the most critical challenges to address and the possible solutions to those challenges.

Articulate Guiding Values

  • Broadband access can take many forms, and how it is developed can shape the effects it has on the community. Therefore, it is important to convene the community to articulate guiding values that can serve as the criteria by which the lead organization makes decisions.
  • Communities have found it difficult to maintain the sustained engagement necessary for a wide group of stakeholders to be part of every decision, especially when decisions have to be made quickly. Clarifying and articulating core values early on creates a set of standards and criteria for judgment that broadband access leaders can use to guide decisions properly, without having to go back to the full range of stakeholders for every decision. Establishing guiding values creates a level of transparency and accountability, and also helps to spark excitement about the goals behind the work when many may have trouble visualizing what the end product may entail.

Define Specific Objectives and Targets

  • When establishing the scope of a community’s goal, it is important for leaders to define the specific targets, considering the available resources and the desired outcome. Some communities may choose to set an easily attained goal to achieve early success that will help to build momentum. Others may favor a reasonably aggressive goal that is likely attainable, but may be a bit of a stretch for the community. Still others may choose to pursue a stretch goal that can serve to activate sectors of the community that might otherwise not be activated, but may not be ultimately attained.
  • For larger and more aggressive goals, communities may consider embarking on a pilot project first, then progressing from there based upon initial successes or failures.
  • Definitions of goals and targets will vary based on each community’s unique challenges and needs. For example, a goal of improved digital literacy may be defined in a range of ways, from the completion of training programs to a demonstrated ability to perform certain functions online. Leaders should ensure a common definition of goals and targets in the context of the digital literacy initiative.
  • It is also important to articulate how the specific objectives of the initiative relate to the broader community priorities. Community priorities commonly related to broadband access include:
  • Encourage economic development and job creation
  • Promote public safety and reduce crime
  • Maintain infrastructure and provide sustainable growth
  • Provide exceptional customer service in a diverse work/community environment
  • Ensure fiscal stewardship, transparency, and accountability

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